

On my cheek
There's a little mark.

おじいちゃんの ほっぺにも
There's the same mark.

My mother told me.
おじいちゃんに もらった
ちいさな あざ。
So that's why ちょっと
じまん なんだ。

When I'm walking down the street,
When I'm sitting on the train,
There are people じっと ぼくを
みる ひとが いる。

なんで みるのかなあ。

I guess they are jealous

Of ちいさな あざ
I got from grandpa.

Me and grandpa are going
To ポーポーという国に いくことに

Grandpa says it's a hot country down south
Where おんがくずきの 国なんだって。

で、all the people there
ほっぺに ちいさな あざが

I have one, and grandpa has one,
And all the people in Poopo のひとにも ある
ほっぺの ちいさな
A little mark on the cheek.

ポーポーには first time to go,
But all the people there, ぼくの かおを
みても、they just smiled. they weren't おどろかない。

Some people even あたまを ぽんぽんと
Patted me on the head.

Some people even はなしかけてくる
In words I didn't know.

I'd never heard words like that before, but
たのしい ことば だったな、words mixed with laughter.

(omit the rest/後略)